Technical Circular No: 010/2024

Subject : Bahamas – Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Bulk Carriers

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1. The Bahamas Maritime Authority will conduct a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on bulk carriers registered under Bahamas flag.

2. The CIC will take place at all Flag State Inspections conducted between 1st August 2024, and 31st December 2024.

3. As part of the CIC, Inspectors during the Flag State Inspections will additionally verify the compliance with the items described in the checklist provided in Technical Alert 24-08 (copy of Technical Alert is enclosed).

4. The checklist covers critical inspection points, including compliance with loading program accuracy, cargo handling procedures, maintenance of hatch covers and safety equipment, and adherence to specific regulations such as SOLAS and IMSBC (International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes) Code requirements.

5. Owners/ Operators of Bahamian-flagged ships are advised to disseminate the Technical Alert to all vessels under their management and ensure that ships are prepared for the upcoming CIC.

6. Further, Masters of Bahamian-flagged ships are advised to familiarize themselves and their crew with the CIC checklist and be prepared to answer related questions at the next flag state inspections. 



This Technical Circular and the material contained in it is provided only for the purpose of supplying current information to the reader and not as an advice to be relied upon by any person. While we have taken utmost care to be as factual as possible, readers/ users are advised to verify the exact text and content of the Regulation from the original source/ issuing Authority.                              

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