Officers and crews to be proficient in the use of and familiar with the calibration requirements for both fixed and portable gas detection systems;
Designated qualified individuals to be able to perform calibration procedures found in the manufacturer’s instructions;
Testing and calibration to be carried out at regular intervals in accordance with the vessel’s Planned Maintenance System (PMS);
Vessels to verify that the span gas provided onboard is of the exact specifications, including concentration, required by the manufacturer when conducting such tests; and
Sample points for fixed gas detectors to be verified as provided by the PMS and the approved installation plans. This should include checking the integrity of all sample piping leading back to the central unit.
Routine testing and maintenance of the deck water-spray system according to the PMS and the maker’s instructions. This will verify that the system provides adequate, uniform coverage to all areas as designed;
The system to deliver sufficient water to all areas simultaneously. Where the system is divided into sections, the arrangements and capacity should be able to supply water to one section;
Focusing attention to the water-spray systems’ in-line filters, orifice plates, and spray nozzles to ensure they are free from all foreign matter, including salt accumulation, and rust or scale;
Flushing the piping with fresh water after each spray system test with sea water to prevent scale build-up;
Maintaining verifiable documentation of required servicing and maintenance; and
Keeping documented digital photos or video recordings of tests as evidence that they have been carried out.
This Technical Circular and the material contained in it is provided only for the purpose of supplying current information to the reader and not as an advice to be relied upon by any person. While we have taken utmost care to be as factual as possible, readers/ users are advised to verify the exact text and content of the Regulation from the original source/ issuing Authority.