Technical Circular No: 60/2020

Subject: IMO Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.8 to promote harmonized action, assistance and a pragmatic approach with respect to PSC Inspections during COVID-19 pandemic

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  1. IMO vide Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.8 has informed that a video meeting was held by IMO with various Port State Control regimes with a view to promote harmonized action, assistance and a pragmatic approach with respect to PSC inspections at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. A joint Statement was issued as set out in Annex 1 of the attached Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.8.

  2. Circular Letter No.4204-Add.8/ Annex 2 summarized the outcome of the meeting, including statements and/or relevant temporary guidance Issued by following PSC regimes:

    i.  USCG: Vessel Inspection, Exams, and Documentation

    ii. The Acuerdo De Viña Del Mar (Latin American Agreement on PSC): Provisional Guidance to fact the impact of Covid-19 with regard to IMO Conventions and MLC 2006

    iii. The Caribbean MoU: Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the Covid-19

    iv. Indian Ocean MoU: Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the Covid-19 related to relevant IMO Conventions and MLC 2006

    v. Mediterranean MoU: Med MoU on PSC Circular regarding COVID-19 Pandemic

    vi. Paris MoU: Guidance regarding the impact of COVID-19

    vii. Tokyo MoU: (i) Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the Covid-19, and (ii) Revising the Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the Covid-19



This Technical Circular and the material contained in it is provided only for the purpose of supplying current information to the reader and not as an advice to be relied upon by any person. While we have taken utmost care to be as factual as possible, readers/ users are advised to verify the exact text and content of the Regulation from the original source/ issuing Authority.

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