IRClass is authorized by 53 Flag States as Recognized Organization to carry out statutory survey and certification based on IMO’s SOLAS convention and flag state specific requirements.
IRClass issues certificates for compliance to MARPOL 73/ 78 Convention and its six Annexes upon satisfactory completion of its surveys.
EnquireInternational Load Line
International Convention on Load Lines defines the calculation for freeboard applicable to the ship, assigning the Load Line Marks and how this is to be marked on the shipside
EnquireInternational Tonnage Convention
We provide statutory survey and certification based on international and national tonnage regulations for IR-classed vessels...
EnquireInternational Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) services
The ISPS Code is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. IRClass provide ISPS Code certifications for certain flag states.
EnquireInternational Safety Management Audit
Certification under the International Safety Management Code is mandatory for all passenger ships and vessels of 500 gross tonnage and above, for the safe management of ships and pollution prevention.
EnquireMaritime Labour Convention, 2006
Maritime Labour Certificate is mandatory for all vessels 500 gross tonnage and above, and non-compliance may lead to inspection on a basis of “No Favourable Treatment”.
EnquireRecruitment and Placement Services License Audit
IRClass as a member of IACS, provides inspection of Recruitment and Placement Services (RPS) on behalf of the Directorate General of Shipping (Govt. of India).
EnquireApproval of Service Suppliers
IRClass provides Service Supplier Approvals to firms providing services on behalf of the owner of the ship or offshore units.