Cyber Security Internal Auditor Course
Online Training | Starts 12 November, 2024
Course Objective

To enable the mariners and IT experts to undertake internal audits both onboard and office of a shipping company to verify the compliance of ISM Code towards Cyber Safety.

One day
Fees (* Exclusive of Taxes)
₹ 10000 + GST / USD 150

About the course

The participants will be able to enhance their awareness of external and internal threats, risks and vulnerabilities relating to security of data and digitally held information in the organisation. There will be clear understanding on the significance of cyber security measures at the organisational as well as individual employee level. The participants will have knowledge about cyber security issues specific to maritime industry. The purpose/scope of standards governing Cyber Risk Management will be clear. The participants will be able to function as a team member in cyber risk management implementation and internal cyber risk (ISM) audits. The audit process, conduct of audit, corrective actions.


The entry standards are one having knowledge in the maritime operations and /or a IT expert interested to develop skills as Cyber Safety Auditor