Within a short span of its existence, IRClass has made its mark as a world class classification society. Today IRClass is well recognized with 53 flag approvals complemented by a global network of offices.
IACS: International Association of Classification Societies
- 1991: Attained Associate Status of IACS
- 2010: Full Membership of IACS
IUA: International Underwriters Association
- 2000: Recognized by International Underwriting Association (IUA) in London for inclusion in Institute Classification Clause
DSIR: Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
- 1985: Recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India, as an R&D organization
Maritime Administrations
- Recognised by India and 51 other Maritime Administrations for Statutory Surveys & Certification
- 2002: Appointed sole authority for load line assignment for the Indian flag
ACS: Association of Asian Classification Societies
- 2010: Founding member of the Association of Asian Classification Societies (ACS). ACS promotes Co-operation among Asian Classification societies through research and development in the areas of common interest
European Union Recognition
- 2016: Recognition from European Union
Lloyds List Top 10
- Consistently featured in Lloyd’s List’s Top10 Classification societies every year from 2013 to 2019