Workshop for Superintendents on Surveys & Certification
Course Objective

To enable the participants to understand, interpret and apply the requirements for the Surveys and Certificates which shall include class and Statutory surveys done by the RO on behalf of the Flag State.

One day

About the course

To provide a clear understanding of Class (Hull & Machinery) and Statutory survey requirements and their objectives, scope, periodicity, typical findings, etc. To enable participants to electively plan and coordinate Class (Hull & Machinery) and statutory surveys. With the shortened port stays, the ship’s state as well as shore-based technical
managers are under increasing pressure to fulfill various survey requirements within the available windows. Better understanding of scope of survey requirements (Class and Statutory) will enable them to plan and prepare more effectively and meet the requirements efficiently.


Those who wants to achieve the requiremenst for Surveys and Certification and have been in the Maritime Industry or wants to seek and take responsibility in the office or the Senior management staff on board the vessel who wants to have a good knowledge on the subject matter